Saturday - April 30

Old Fruitmarket

The Beat Goes On: A Tribute to Janet Beat


Andie Brown and Sharon Gal / Juliet Fraser / Ailie Ormston

Now in her eighties, Janet Beat is a pioneering composer whose work embraced electronics and non-Western instrumentation and who refused to be silenced by a male-dominated musical establishment. In the first of two Beat-focused events, Tectonics artists pay tribute to her pioneering style and ever-questioning spirit with performances of their own.
These include Beat’s Puspawarna (1989–90) for voice, gong and electronics, performed by Juliet Fraser; a set from Andie Brown and Sharon Gal, working with glass, voice, electronics and field recordings, with typically mysterious and atmospheric results; and Ailie Ormston who presents a new electroacoustic work for using live instrumentation, processed sounds and amplified objects, brought together through improvisation, collage and curiosity.